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Rep. James Clyburn says Bill Clinton has Betrayed Blacks

South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, one of the most influential black leaders in Congress, said Bill Clinton’s racially charged comments over the course of the presidential campaign have “incensed” the black community, according to an article Thursday on The New York Times Web site. Clyburn, a Democratic superdelegate who has not yet endorsed either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, told the Times that Bill Clinton’s “bizarre” conduct on the campaign trail threatens to damage his once vibrant relationship with the black community.

“When he was going through his impeachment problems, it was the black community that bellied up to the bar,” Clyburn said. “I think black folks feel strongly that … this is a strange way for President Clinton to show his appreciation.” He added that black Americans are “incensed over all of this” and almost unanimously believe the Clintons “are committed to doing everything they possibly can to damage Obama to a point that he could never win.” [MORE]

Oklahoma Governor Endorses Obama
From the Fronrunner The AP (4/24, Jenkins) reports Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry "endorsed Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday, calling him an inspirational leader who can unite the country." The endorsement "one day after the Pennsylvania primary gave Obama the official support of three of the state's 10 superdelegates, while Clinton has the backing of one superdelegate. The rest are uncommitted." Henry, "a moderate Democrat in a Republican-trending state, said he had worked hard to build a consensus across party lines on such issues as education, job creation and health care and 'that is why I am so enthusiastic about Barack Obama's candidacy.'"

Wu marks Obama's 240th superdelegate endorsement.
Superdelegate/Rep. David Wu (D-OR) announced his support for Barack Obama, citing his ability to make real change. Wu: "I believe that he is best suited to turn the page on this sorry episode in American history. He and I both had the judgment to oppose the Iraq War from the very beginning." [MORE

Ex-Edwards Adviser Throws His Support To Obama
The AP (4/24) reports, "A top adviser to former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is endorsing Barack Obama. Ed Turlington was the National Chairman of Edwards' 2004 presidential campaign and a close adviser to his 2008 campaign. The Raleigh-based attorney said Wednesday that Obama and Edwards share a commitment to taking on special interests. Turlington was among 49 former Edwards supporters who endorsed Obama on Wednesday. Others include state Sen. Eleanor Kinnaird, state Rep. Pricey Harrison and former Charlotte mayor and Edwards adviser Harvey Gantt."