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Is the Fix In Again? Watch for Clinton Voter Suppression in Ohio and Texas

The Washington Establishment, which includes the Bushes and Clintons, is beginning to get uneasy about the growing populist Obama movement and its obvious threat to the status quo ~ so don't rule out voting irregularities in Texas and Ohio. Karl Rove is on intimate terms with the state officials who run the elections in Texas and both state’s electronic voting machines are owned by diehard Republicans: Diebold; ES&S and Sequoia ~ which is a self-serving arrangement for both Mr. Rove and the Clintons: Allen L Roland Remember Hillary's miraculous win in New Hampshire when 81% of the votes cast were counted by Diebold and they directly contradicted the exit polls which showed Obama the clear winner.


The same thing could happen in Texas and Ohio particularly since Karl Rove is a resident of Texas and the Republicans would much rather face Hillary in November than Obama ~ who, according to recent polls, beats McCain handily whereas Hillary would lose to McCain. MORE]