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MD. Governor Ehrlich Continues to Insult

  • County youth attacks Ehrlich over "multiculturalism is crap" statement
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich (R) rounded out a day of public appearances in Prince Georges County Jan. 12 at a public forum at Prince Georges Community College in Largo. Despite arriving an hour late, Ehrlich took questions ranging from crime control, faith-based initiatives and education to the role of the state in local government with his usual engaging and direct style. But one ghost that continues to chase the governor who has taken a political beating recently in Annapolis after having six vetoes overturned in a special session that concentrated mainly on medical malpractice reforms his comments a year ago on multiculturalism. When Jonn Mack, a member of the Prince Georges Young Democrats, confronted Ehrlich about his calling multiculturalism "bunk," Ehrlich fired back. "I reject the concept of multiculturalism," Ehrlich said. "I have African American and Hispanic people in my administration and their job is to create a melting pot. "Multiculturalism is the very definition of separation from the culture," he said. Ehrlich referenced his pride in his own German heritage, but said "Germany is not my point of reference." [more] Please vote to remove this moron from office -- him and his little Flavor Flav Flunky Michael Steele.
  • Last Spring Ehrlich defended Republican William Donald Schaefer, now the state comptroller, who complained when a Spanish -speaking employee at McDonald's could not understand his order."Once you get into this multicultural crap, this bunk, you run into a problem," Ehrlich said on a radio program when asked about Schaefer's remarks . "With respect to this culture, English is the language." [more]