Racist Suspect: Brandon Blackwell
Offending Conduct: Brandon Blackwell, a journalist for Cleveland.com and the Cleveland Plain Dealer willfully and deliberately demonstrated a willingness to participate in speech to establish, maintain, expand, and/or refine the practice of White Supremacy (Racism) in the areas of Entertainment and Law. One day after 12 year old Black child, Tamir Rice was shot to death by white Cleveland cops [MORE], Brandon Blackwell wrote an article smearing Tamir's father by discussing his criminal record and showing his mug shot. His father was not present during the police shooting of his son and had nothing to do with the incident or the investigation of it. Nevertheless, the white writer started his article by stating, "Tamir Rice's father has a history of violence against women." [MORE]
Whiat does Tamir's father's criminal record have to do with the boy's tragic killing at the hands of a white police officer? And why was Tamir's father's mug shot included in a news article about Tamir being shot by the police while playing in the park? "Depicting black/brown boys and men as violent criminals from poor upbringing is an established white media narrative that Tamir didn't quite fit. But Cleveland.com tried to make him fit into the narrow narrative anyway, by reporting on the criminal misdeeds of his parents instead. [MORE] This is an example of white collective power or the white media supporting the decision of a white cop to kill a Black teenager.
Under the pretense of providing news Blackwell has presented idiotic, racist propaganda - "the perpetual domination of African Americans by White Americans psychically requires the White American criminalization of the African male, i.e., the White American perception of the African male as inherently criminal." [MORE] This is hypocrisy. Although he had the opportunity and the ability to give constructive help to Non-White people by providing objective, constructive facts to the public he refused to do so. Rather, his speech directly or indirectly promoted the maintenance of the System of White Supremacy (Racism) in the area of Law and Entertainment.