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Like Batman, the Costume Transformed Him: White Cop Who Murdered Michael Brown Admits He Says "Nigger" but Never in Uniform

In the absence of white supremacy niggers would not exist. Words can have any meaning the speakers intend for them to have. However, in a system of white supremacy/racism most white people hate Black people and most white people participate in said system. So, if you hear a white person say the word nigger you should absolutely assume that it is being used as a derogatory term and that you are listening to a racist. 

Nigger is "a non-white person who is subject to the system of White Supremacy." [MORE] and [MORE]

Racist Cops Lie All Day, Everday. From [HERE] Darren Wilson, the Ferguson white police officer who shot and killed Black teenager Michael Brown [both pictured above], admitted in a court filing that he and other white officers in the city used the Nigger word to refer to black people.

But Wilson also denied using the word as a slur against people while on the job, and said he had merely repeated racist remarks made by other people. [in photo above he is off duty & he might say nigger]

Wilson revealed this in a series of more than 170 “admissions” filed in December as part of the civil lawsuit against him for his fatal shooting of Brown, an unarmed black teenager. The Washington Post first reported Tuesday about the filing, which went unnoticed for months.

In the filing, Wilson admits using the Nigger word at least once to refer to an African-American, and also says he heard fellow Ferguson officers do the same.

But Wilson denied using the word as a targeted insult.

“I have repeated a racist remark made by someone else, but I have not made a racist remark against another individual while on duty as a police officer,” he said in court papers.

Wilson’s lawyer insisted the ex-cop only used the word when echoing what someone else said during a crime or investigation.

“He never used the N-word to refer to an African American in a racist or derogatory manner and he never repeated a racist joke while on duty,” attorney Greg Kloeppel told the Post.

Wilson murdered Brown on Aug. 9, 2014, less than two minutes after confronting the Black teen while responding to reports of a robbery at a grocery store. The officer said he shot Brown after the teen attacked him, while Brown's family said Brown was surrendering when he was shot dead.

A 75% white county grand jury assembled by a racist suspect prosecutor and a federal civil rights examination eventually cleared Wilson of wrongdoing. The white governor, Jay Nixon, declined to appoint a special prosecutor for the case. [MORE]

Wilson acknowledges in the court filing that Brown was unarmed, but said the teen’s body still counted as a threat.

When asked if it is true that Brown never displayed a weapon, Wilson replied, “To the extent Michael Brown’s body (including his fists) constitute ‘weapons,’ this is denied.”

The unearthed court filing is the second new detail about the Ferguson case to emerge in the past week.

The Michael Brown documentary “Stranger Fruit,” which premiered Saturday at South by Southwest, included a scene revealing that Brown made a drug deal the day of his death. Surveillance footage captured him giving a small bag of pot to convenience store clerks in exchange for cigarillos, which he did not take with him. Brown apparently returned later that day to retrieve them.

That narrative contradicts early police reports of Brown robbing the store right before his death.

Although Wilson was cleared, the shooting led to a Justice Department review that found racism against black people in “nearly every aspect of Ferguson’s law enforcement system.”  Ferguson Police Department was found to "Target" African Americans in general - but none of that "targeting" was going on when Darren Wilson encountered Michael Brown and left him dead in the street.

(Ferguson is 67% Black - there are only 3 Black police officers on the entire force. [MORE] and [MORE])

The probe said Ferguson police officers and court workers exchanged racist emails, targeted black citizens and used unjustified arrests to bring more money into the local government.

In the December court filing, Wilson denied receiving any of the racist emails from colleagues.