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Murderers also Lie: New Autopsy shows White Pasco Cops Shot Latino Man in the Back - Surrendering, Unarmed with his hands out where they could be seen - shot @ 17 Times

In Racist System You Can be Legally Executed Anytime, Anyplace by White Cops in front of Cameras & Witnesses. [check the smiling racist suspect @ popo press conference. In their relations with non-whites, racist whites function as psychopaths.]

From [HERE]  Two autopsies. Two different opinions as to whether an unarmed Latino man was shot from behind by white police in Pasco, Washington, earlier this month.

Charles Herrmann, an attorney for the family of Antonio Zambrano-Montes, said Thursday that an autopsy conducted by a doctor he hired showed two bullets hit the 35-year-old orchard worker in the back of the arm and in the buttocks.

This is at odds with what police said a day earlier.

Kennewick Police Sgt. Ken Lattin had told reporters on Wednesday, "we do know this from the preliminary autopsy report, there were no shots in the back."

Police said the medical examiner was doing further investigation and a final report might take as long as four weeks. Witness statements and toxicology reports are also pending, police said.

There also is dispute over how many times total Zambrano-Montes was shot. Police said it was five or six times. The family's pathologist said he may have been shot as many as eight times, according to Hermann.

Both sides appear to agree that three police officers fired 17 times at Zambrano-Montes. Police said he hurled rocks at them on February 10.

Zambrano-Montes' case has sparked local protests and anger at what some say is another example of police brutality and excessive force against an unarmed man who is non-white.

The widow and children of Zambrano-Montes have filed a $25 million claim against the city of Pasco alleging that officers killed the unarmed man "execution style."

In an interview with CNN en Español this week, Zambrano-Montes' mother, Agapita Montes, denounced police treatment of her son.

"I'm asking for justice for what happened. It was not acceptable what they did to my son," his mother said. "From what you can see (on the video), it was very bad what they did to him."

Zambrano-Montes was one of 16 children, his mother said.

Erlinda Zambrano, an aunt of Zambrano-Montes, said she found it very difficult to accept the police version of events.

"We are living with profound pain from how he died, and it's something very bad and terrible," the aunt said. "I look at the videos now and I cannot sleep because it's too hard."

The family lawsuit claims Zambrano-Montes was unarmed "with his hands out where they could be seen."

"He had his back to the officers," the claim said. "At this point, the officers started shooting."