March Will Protest Kenneth Walker's Death by Police
Tron Nick
Jesse Jackson Anounces Protest of Killing of Unarmed, Innocent Black Man
The Rev. Jesse Jackson and members of the Concerned Black Clergy announced Monday that they will hold a march to protest the death of an unarmed Columbus, Ga., man who was shot by a sheriff's deputy last year during a traffic stop. Kenneth Walker was gunned down by a deputy although no weapons or drugs were found on the man. An estimated 15,000 people are expected to participate in the Jan. 15 march in Columbus, which will be held on the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Police were reportedly looking for guns and drugs on the night of Dec. 10, 2003 and stopped a vehicle carrying three men and Kenneth Walker, who was shot to death by Deputy David Glisson. No weapons or drugs were found. Jackson, who marched with King, compared the death of Kenneth Walker to the infamous beating of Los Angeles motorist Rodney King in 1992. "There was no evidence that Kenneth Walker was being aggressive or that he was armed," Jackson said Monday during a news conference held at the Community Church of God in southwest Atlanta. "Those who (killed him) walked free." A Muscogee County grand jury declined last month to indict the deputy, although he has been fired from his job. [more]