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Freehab – turning to reality to overcome the debilitative effects of thinking one can live free in an unfree world. Turning oneself in is turning oneself out. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Freehab – turning to reality to overcome the debilitative effects of thinking one can live free in an unfree world. Turning oneself in is turning oneself out. He spent six weeks in freehab and upon release turned State’s evidence against truth in the court of reality. In Freehab, you first stop questioning and second-guessing what your inner voice speaks to your Third-Ear. You start living your answers, answering the call to living authentically as the True Self—life lived from the Top Shelf. It’s through bouts of Freedom Binges on which our true happiness hinges. (See: Behindflight, Inner Voice & Third-Door)