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Tim Walz On FreeDumb; MIN is 3rd in US at Locking Up Black People, Blacks are 5X More Likely to Be Killed by Cops in MIN. Also Mandated Deadly Shots and Locked People in Their Homes During COVID

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FREEDUMB ADVOCATES TALK ABOUT FREEDOM BUT HATE FREEDOM. Elite white liberals hate; self-defense, free speech and are proponents of stopping, searching, interrogating and surveilling law abiding people, especially if they are Black or Latino. These racists are filling their reprehensible jails with Black people in places such as Minneapolis, D.C., NYC, LA, Chicago, St. Louis and everywhere they live with Black people. They worship blind obedience to authority and law over humanity. When they speak on “freedom” apparently they mean freedumb or privileges granted to them by a governmental master (not inherent freedom) such as “the right” to commit aborticide 24/7 at any time during a woman’s pregnancy? Authentic freedom has nothing to do with master’s favors in a free range prison.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

freedumb – the state of unrecognized psychological captivity (brain hemispheric hostage) that sheeple remain in because they don’t speak the language of reality nor constantly edit truth from perfecting heart to perfecting power—and when truth is spoken around them, refrain from being open, or impervious to it thus being forever chained to its distortions and limitations. 2) the mindset that proposes “since we are liberated, we are also free.” 3) the mindset that operates upon the notion that you can have individuality without accountability or responsibility. 4) the pretense that reality is truth and viceversa. People cherish unwarranted assumptions and relish their freedumb because they have been socialized into selfcensorship along with misidentification with the ego-mind—the absence of knowledge of Self. (See: Phfreedom, Truth, Unfreedom, Dumbelievers, Self, Belief Systems, Objective Truth, Individuality, Objective Reality, True Self & Reality)

academented – the brittle psychological condition resulting from years of indoctrination and predictive programming at an Academy or system of institutionalized compulsory “education.” 2) overdosing on our addiction to logical thinking and succumbing to its deleterious side effects of mental meltdown and spiritual sclerosis. 3) minds that have fossilized into fixed modes of dualistic thinking. 4) too busy thinking to realize the absence of seeing. 5) dumbing yourself down by degrees. [MORE]

Like elite white liberals and their media claim, puppetician Tim Walz is all about FreeDumb and he is:

  • A recent report from the Sentencing Project finds that Black Americans are incarcerated in state prisons across the country at nearly five times the rate of whites, and Latinx people are 1.3 times as likely to be incarcerated than non-Latinx whites. Seven states maintain a Black/white disparity larger than 9 to 1: California, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Wisconsin. See above chart [MORE]

  • Based on population, a Black person was 4.5x as likely and a Latinx person was 6.3x as likely to be killed by police as a White person in Minnesota from 2013-21. [MORE]

  • Although Blacks make up only 6% of the MIN population they are 27% of all arrests. [MORE]

  • Police in Minneapolis, a city controlled by elite white liberals, stopped Black people at 7.8 times the rate of white people, and Indigenous people at 10 times the rate from 2020 to 2022; the rate for searches was even worse. The DOJ found that MPD retaliated against protesters and journalists engaging in First Amendment-protected activities during the demonstrations [MORE]

  • Puppetician Walz forced people to get injected with deadly, experimental COVID shots [MORE] He also helped to destroy informed consent by falsely claiming the injections were safe and incentivized teens by offering a a $100,000 scholarship to college if they got a COVID shot. [MORE] Walz issued an executive order that prohibited any resident of Minnesota from leaving his or her house, except as permitted by him. It was perhaps the most overtly fascist measure in America’s history.”

What have the Freedumb loving elite white liberals been up to in super-liberal Minnesota recently?