Single Source Propaganda: Massa’ Media Attempts to Re-Brand Kamala Harris as "Brand New" and Distinct from the Wooden Dummy and SNiggering Golden Retriever for White Liberals that We All Already Know
BARK AND CLAP BLACK POLITRICKS. Black people, once envied and imitated by people seeking freedom throughout the world are now demobilized and have no effective political organizations, no real leaders and “black politics” is literally void of any actual substance. “Blackness” and “black politics” has come to mean ‘not Republican’ and not much else. Black politics has gone from being aggressively results oriented and highly organized to being tame activity channelled into voting for the Democratic Party and its grimacing white liberal and black borg candidates. In their relations with Democrats Black voters (sleeping toms) function like trained seals or dogs that “bark and clap” at election time and then shut-up afterwards. Norman Kelly called this phenomenon “bark and clap politics.” [MORE]
Dumbocrats in turn have no messaging or organizing aimed at black people. Norman Kelly explained Democrats essentially offer no substantial policy initiatives that benefit African-Americans and “No real agenda drives politics beyond having the Democratic candidate show up.” ‘Democrats don’t stand for anything in regard to Blacks (except, of course, for their right to vote for democrats); black people are voting against republicans but not for Democrats.’ Similarly, Robert Smith observed ‘that what is striking about any so-called ‘black agenda’ from Democrats is that its not really black. That is, relatively few items are race specific.’ Kelley also explained, ‘Democrats offer only boilerplate liberalism and no legislative initiative. And why would they need one? Democrats know they will suffer no sanctions from disgruntled and politically emasculated blacks.’
Dumbocrats push so-called ‘climate change,’ on demand aborticide, genderplex confusion and sex politics, forced experimental and deadly “vaccines” and their irrational Donald Trump obsession onto Black people, as if this ad-hoc collection of issues will solve the myriad of problems plaguing Black people and their communities. Elite whites and their McNegro media probots are quick to remind anyone that “Black voters are not a monolith, and their attitudes differ based on upbringing, geography and other factors.” Such an overstatement purposefully misses the point. Black people are not white people – and white liberals are not subjected to the system of racism white supremacy. White liberals’ menu of political concerns and grievances have little to do with the realities of daily life that Black people face. [MORE] Democrats have no messaging or explanation to account for the existence of racism white supremacy. To the contrary, racist suspect liberals have deceived Black people into believing the system of racism white supremacy is a system of bigotry, unchecked mean words, name calling and disrespect. As if slavery or jim crow were primarily about hatred and bad words as opposed to total domination and vast unequal power and control in a white over Black political system. [MORE] Boilerplate liberalism fails to address racism white supremacy and all its symptomatic problems such as poverty, economic discrimination, lack of economic development, Mcjob employment, underemployment, drug addiction, infant mortality, AIDS, chronic welfare dependency, lack of affordable housing, homelessness, servant education, the unequal administration of justice, mass incarceration and more. Furthermore, police aren’t waging a war against white liberals in their communities. Law abiding Black people’s freedom of movement and so-called 4th Amendment right’s are turned on and off like light switches as police stop, surveil, search, detain, injure, kill and put them into greater confinement with impunity in their communities (especially in cities controlled by white liberals; Chicago, Milwaukee, NYC, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Washington D.C.). This brazen disregard of so-called rights and powerlessness to do anything demonstrates a lower level of citizenship for Black people. Naturally, at election time liberals have little to say about Black people’s “legitimate outrage at psychological, social, judicial, and economic oppression” and usually focus on generating fear over some proposed purely fictional or exaggerated) horrors that will occur if republicans are elected - thereby creating a false choice.
The so-called alliance between Black voters and elite white liberals is based on deception, but the ‘mind given to Black people’ can’t see it. The jesusized belief in Black people’s minds that the Democratic party is somehow a pro-Black party or fall back default position for Black people is perhaps the Democratic party’s greatest trick. This fairy tale has deceived millions of Black people who believe the GOP is the only “white party” and dumbocrats are necessarily the opposite. To white liberals, Black people and their welfare are not the end of the electoral process but merely the means for winning. Recognegros like Kamala help create optics that look good to sleeping toms who make no demands on their masters. As explained by Kelley ‘Democrats know they will suffer no sanctions from disgruntled, obedient blacks,’ who are content to “bark and clap” during election and shut-up afterwards. Like fans at an intense sporting event, a lathered up and passionate black votary acts like they have everything to lose at election time - but when the election is over they get nothing - and it is the same after every game, every year for decades. The Black electorant expects nothing in return for its vote as it goes on dutifully and robotically fulfilling its servant role.
Black sheeple filled with anxiety are running around worrying about voting “rights” - yet voting for white liberals and their black rolebots has done nothing to neutralize the system of racism white supremacy. In reality, BOHICAN Kamala and an army of thousands of other black elected rolebots at all levels of government are not engaged in any “black politics” and have no “black political philosophy,” or black messaging or organizing around actual goals that empower Blacks or deliver anything tangible to Black communities. Said black puppeticians have non-white skin and black chromosomes but for all non-cosmetic purposes they are interchangeable with their white liberal counterparts; looking and sounding like them reading from the same script.
Led by elite white liberals black people remain in a suspended state of checkmate. According to the Urban League’s 2022 State of Black America, Black people haven’t progressed since 1965. Blacks are about three-fifths along the way to experiencing equal status with White Americans. The Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality of life in the United States. Black people occupy the bottom of nearly every statistical category of life. [MORE] Norman Kelley observed that despite Black people’s heavy involvement in the Democratic Party, schools have remained as segregated as before Brown v. Board of Education, which was decided over 70 years ago. [MORE] According to NSBA nearly one third of Black students lived in poverty (32%), compared with 10% of white students in families living in poverty. While white liberals indulge and captivate Blacks with fantasy talk about reparations, 80% of African-American fourth-graders can barely read and understand mathematics and only 19% were scored proficient in math. [MORE] According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) just 18% of Black eighth-graders reach reading “proficiency.” [MORE] And in 2015 NAEP found that only 17% of Black 12th graders were proficient at reading. [MORE] In regard to housing, although Blacks make up only 13 percent of the general population they account for 37% of all homeless people and account for more than 50% of homeless families with children. [MORE] Similarly, Black renters comprise 18.6% of America's renter population, yet they make up 51.1 % of those affected by an eviction filing and 43.4% of those evicted nationally. Is it MAGA republicans or wealthy white liberals evicting Blacks and forcing them into the streets of Chicago, LA, NYC, Philadelphia and Washington D.C and many other cities? Additionally, Black people disproportionately comprise 40% of the 1.8 million incarcerated people in the US. Although dumbocrats give lip service to decarceration and criminal justice reforms at election time, is it MAGA republicans or elite liberal authorities cramming Black people into jails in NYC, Milwaukee, Chicago, Columbus, Minnesota, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Oakland, Atlanta, Kansas City, St. Louis, Detroit, New Orleans and elsewhere? It is white liberals who maintain these jails in reprehensible conditions in LA, DC, Atlanta and NYC and elsewhere. Similarly, dumbocrats like corpse Biden often make campaign promises about police accountability - yet the police departments in numerous cities historically controlled by white liberal politics such as NYC, LA, Cleveland, Oakland, San Francisco, St. Louis, Wash DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Detroit are some of the worst violators and have hosted some of the most horrific episodes of police brutality. [MORE]