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Sambo Eric Adams says "NYC is a Black Led City" [White Liberals Own All Major Real estate/business/banks/industry/utilities/resources/media and Blacks are Their workers/servants/tenants and customers

GOLDEN RETRIEVERS ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVES OF BLACK POWER. New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday doubled down on his accusation that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott purposefully sent non-white illegal migrants to "black-led cities." CNN anchor Abby Phillip said Abbott also sent migrants to Philadelphia, a city with a white mayor.

"I believe that he sent them to where black mayors are," Adams said. "I don't know if it's to undermine these large cities that are run by black mayors because of his political agenda, I don't know if he is doing it for race, but I'm giving the facts where he sent them to Washington, D.C. These are cities that have black mayors. That is a fact, that is not my opinion or defining why he's doing it, I'm laying out the facts."[MORE]

Never mind the fact that this simpleton probot is talking about excluding non-white immigrants for his white liberal masters but did he say a ‘black led city???’ Also recognize

Sambo Adams is a strawboss and golden retriever for white liberals who own and control NYC. NYC. Black rolebots and probots may hallucinate that cities like NYC, Memphis, Baltimore, Atlanta and DC are not actually run by white liberals but are in fact run by Blacks themselves. In reality however, Black people function as “the powerless class” who are in charge of nothing independently of elite, racist whites in the system of racism white supremacy. Neely Fuller observes that ‘in spite of all statements black people may make about themselves having economic and/or political independence and the like, in the final analysis, they are all victims of the white supremacy process.’ According to Neely Fuller in a White Supremacy System the most accurate way to describe what "class" people are in is to describe their power relationship to each other. In their relationship with whites, Blacks cannot be be "upper" or "middle" - but only under whites in a white over Black operating system of vast unequal power.

Fuller accurately explains, "in a socio-material system dominated by elite racists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by elite racists. The elite racists are their bosses, their masters, and their major decision-makers. Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by elite racists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly non-white people — prefer not to acknowledge. Dr. Bobby Wright explains, 'everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks living in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability.'

The rebel Dr. Amos Wilson Amos asks Blacks,

‘Who has control of your food? Who has control of your electricity? Who has control of your water? Of your jobs? Who tells you what to wear when you go to work? Who tells you when to come to work...when to leave...when to go to to to to do to do that...and how are these things taught, and how they are conditioned?"-- It is by reward and punishment. " You do this you get paid; you don't do this you don't get paid; you get a raise, you get docked. What we have here is reward and punishment according to their terms and criteria.’

To live under the power of another people is to be created by that people. To be rewarded or punished by that people is to be created by that people. We are living under them as the result of the exercise of the power of another people over us. Therefore, if we wish to change this situation (i.e., the conditions under which we live), then we must change the power relationships. If we are to prevent ourselves from being created by another people and are to engage in the act of self creation, then we must change the power relations.’

In liberal jurisdictions such as NYC elite white liberals control and own all major resources (such as banks, local mainstream media, all major real estate, political authorties, utilities and corporations etc), and anything of material value. Elite racists also function as the major decision makers in regards to what happens or does not happen to non-white people. Non-whites, particularly Blacks and Latinos, function in some capacity as their workers, helpers, servants, tenants, voters and customers.

As such, elite whites are the direct or indirect masters of Black people in all areas of people activity. This necessarily includes controlling and directing the power of the local government, funding its elected officials campaign coffers and controlling “choices” presented to the votary. There are no local governments in existence run by Black politicians on behalf of powerful Black elites, powerful Black corporations, powerful Black mainstream media or a powerful Black votary. It is fantasy for blacks to imagine that a black puppetician such as Muriel Bowser, the mayor of DC, is controlling D.C. on behalf of powerful Black interests who pull the strings behind the scenes or that powerful Black voters have concentrated their power into the white Mayor of Memphis and are really calling the shots– especially when it is undisputed that those who own or control major real estate, industry, corporate businesses, banks, wealth and material resources are overwhelmingly elite white liberals.

In general, Black puppeticians are literally creations of white liberals who must continually demonstrate their alignment with their liberal masters ideology to avoid being filtered out or easily replaced. Anon explains in ‘the system of white supremacy black individuals who derive their authority from powerful whites or powerful white institutions are forbidden from harming other whites (unless instructed to do so).

The Black electorant should witness that Minnesota, Atlanta, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Detroit or NYC or many other places where cops murder Blacks in broad daylight are all dominated by liberal Democrats duly elected by a participating black votary. NYC, for instance is controlled by white liberal puppeticians and complementary Black rolebots. Among its leaders NYC has a Black mayor (Eric Adams), Black Attorney Generals (Alvin Bragg, Manhattan) (Letitia James Brooklyn), Black state Assembly Leader (Carl Heastie Bronx), Black Public Advocate (Jumaane Williams Brooklyn), Black DA (Darcel Clark, Bronx), Black Borough President (Donovan Richards Queens) and numerous Black judges. Add to this Black legislators who hold 13 of 51 seats on the City Council, 22 of 150 seats in the state Assembly, and eight of 63 seats in the state Senate. There are also four Black congressional representatives —Gregory Meeks, Hakeem Jeffries, Yvette Clarke, and Jamaal Bowman and hundreds of white liberal democrats all levels of government who dominate City politics and government agencies. Nevertheless, the quality of Black citizenship stays low; law abiding Blacks are frequently stopped and searched by police in their neighborhoods or cars, Blacks and Latinos make up 90% of all persons and arrested and charged with crimes, Rikers Jail is disproportionately packed with Blacks held pre-trial in reprehensible conditions, a majority of all homeless people are black, Black unemployment stays high, 63% of black families in New York are in the bottom half of the income distribution, blacks are routinely struck from juries and so on.

Led by white liberals black people are going in circles. According to the Urban League’s 2022 State of Black America, Black people haven’t progressed since 1965. The Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality of life in the United States. Black people occupy the bottom of nearly every statistical category of life. [MORE] US Census data reveals that the unemployment gap between whites and blacks is virtually unchanged over the last 50 years. The income and wealth gaps have actually widened. So has the gap in educational attainment. The jobless rate among African-Americans has remained double to whites for over 5 decades. Among other things, according a to a NY Times analysis the race gap in higher education has also widened. The median Black household income was $43,862 versus $63,823 for Whites. Blacks still trail Whites in homeownership, the traditional path to wealth building in the country, and their homes were valued less than Whites. [MORE] Norman Kelley observed that despite Black people’s heavy involvement in the Democratic Party, schools have remained as segregated as before Brown v. Board of Education, which was decided 70 years ago. [MORE] According to NSBA nearly one third of Black students lived in poverty (32%), compared with 10% of white students in families living in poverty. While white liberals whine about Florida AP classes and captivate Blacks with fantasy talk about reparations, 80% of African-American fourth-graders can barely read and understand mathematics and only 19% were scored proficient in math. [MORE] According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) just 18% of Black eighth-graders reach reading “proficiency.” [MORE] And in 2015 NAEP found that only 17% of Black 12th graders were proficient at reading. [MORE] In 2017, Ballou High School in DC came under intense scrutiny for pushing failing students through to graduation in order to achieve a 100% graduation and college acceptance rate. Teachers stated that many of their 12th graders couldn’t read and write. In 2017-18, only 7% of public school teachers and 11% of public school principals were Black. [MORE] and [MORE]

The Black votary automatically presumes that most white liberals are not racist and do not practice racism. Said presumption appears to be the only substance of present day black politics – as “blackness” or authenticity is entirely measured by “non-republican-ness” and although whites are not subject to the system of racism white supremacy or the same socio-economic circumstances, white and black liberals are perceived to have the same common issues. According to this clogic Black voters are comfortable voting for white liberals and complimentary black rolebots without critical examination of their legislative records, campaign proposals or without regard as to whether they even have a particularized set of plans or any messaging for Black people. [MORE]