‘I was Just Following Master’s Science to Induce Public Consent and Get People Killed/Harmed:’ A Retrospective of Probots and Proxymorons Parroting Lies About the Unvaccinated and COVID Shot Safety
According to FUNKTIONARY:
Probot – a propagandizing programmed robot. A representative from an organization, agency or institution, especially the Internal Revenue Service, Pentagon, State Department, or Blight House, whose assignment is to make prepared statements and answer “cooked” (prepared) questions at news conferences, briefings and the like. A probot is a proxymoron who conveys programmed disinformation in computerized language and bureaucratese jargon. A probot is one who disseminates lies, distortions and convenient mass truths composed by a superior overruling elite. (See: Proxymoron)
proxymoron – one moron who speaks or acts on behalf of another pluperfect moron or a whole gang of morons. (See: Politician, Bureaucracium, Congressman, Moron-Majority, Delegate, Prozac, Oxymoron & TV)