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Mayor says George Floyd would be alive if Derek Chauvin had been fired in 2017

From [HERE] The mayor of Minneapolis said George Floyd would still be alive if the city’s police department had “done the right thing” and fired officer Derek Chauvin in 2017 after complaints he knelt on the necks of two people he arrested.

Jacob Frey was speaking at a press conference on Thursday announcing the city had reached a $8.9m settlement in two excessive force lawsuits.

Chauvin was convicted of murder and sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison in 2021 for killing Floyd the year before by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes. The episode ignited Black Lives Matter protests and a national reckoning over race and policing.

Two Minneapolis residents, John Pope Jr, and Zoya Code, arrested by Chauvin in separate incidents three years earlier, filed federal lawsuits last year. They will receive $7.5m and $1.375m respectively.

“He should have been fired in 2017. He should have been held accountable in 2017,” Frey said, apologizing to the victims and blaming the officer’s supervisors for failing to act.

“[If they] had done the right thing, George Floyd would not have been murdered.”

The lawsuits, citing Chauvin and several other Minneapolis officers, alleged police misconduct, excessive force, and racism. Chauvin is white, both plaintiffs are Black. [MORE]