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Autopsies Confirm COVID Jab Hazards in Youth


  • When the COVID shots were first introduced, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made several claims about them that have since been proven completely false, including the claim that the mRNA would remain in the injection site, and that both the mRNA and resulting spike protein would rapidly be eliminated from your body

  • The mRNA goes everywhere and can remain intact for a month of more. Ditto for the spike protein your cells produce

  • Spike protein has been found in the brains of people with encephalitis (brain inflammation) and in jab-induced shingles lesions. Both mRNA and spike protein have been found in lymph nodes more than 60 days post-jab. Full-length mRNA has also been shown to circulate in people’s blood for up to 28 days post-injection, and it’s been detected in breastmilk

  • Research shows the primary difference between those who developed symptoms of myocarditis and those who didn’t was that symptomatic patients had markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein unbound by antibodies in their plasma. Those who remained asymptomatic had no free spike protein in their blood. This would suggest that free-floating spike protein is a problem

  • Autopsies of two teenage boys found dead in their beds three and four days after their second dose of Pfizer concluded jab-induced heart damage was to blame. The myocarditis described in these instances did not have the typical histopathology of myocarditis. Instead, both cases resemble catecholamine-induced injury, similar to the cytokine storm experienced in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection

From [HERE] When the COVID shots were first introduced, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made several claims about them that have since been proven completely false.

They claimed the mRNA in the shot would remain in and only affect the cells around the injection site. They also claimed the mRNA and resulting spike protein wouldn't last long in your body. The mRNA, they said, would vanish within "a few days," and the spike protein produced by your cells would be eliminated within "a few weeks."

As it turns out, virtually every cell in your body is exposed to the mRNA and can remain intact for a month or more. Ditto for the spike protein your cells produce. Spike protein has been found in the brains of people with encephalitis (brain inflammation)1 and in jab-induced shingles lesions.2 It can bioaccumulate in several organs,3 4 including reproductive organs.

Both mRNA and spike protein have been found in lymph nodes more than 60 days post-jab.5 Full-length mRNA has also been shown to circulate in people's blood6 for up to 28 days post-injection,7 and it's been detected in breastmilk.8

In early August 2022, the CDC suddenly deleted those statements from its website — probably because they realized their lies were catching up to them. The cleanup effort was caught, however. Disclose TV exposed the deletion on its Twitter account,9 with an archived link showing the CDC's original webpage.

Free Spike Protein Linked to Jab-Induced Myocarditis

From the get-go, physicians and scientists warned that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was the most toxic part of the virus, and hence making your cells produce it for an undetermined amount of time could be an unmitigated disaster. Their warnings were "debunked" and censored, but mounting evidence now proves their concerns were valid — and should have been shared to prevent the loss of life.

We now have case reports, studies and autopsy findings showing that people suffering from post-jab myocarditis have mRNA-induced spike proteins in their hearts and blood.

Interestingly, a January 2023 study 10 in the journal Circulation found "extensive antibody profiling and T-cell responses" both in those who developed post-jab myocarditis and asymptomatic jabbed controls.

The primary difference between those who developed symptoms of myocarditis and those who didn't was that symptomatic patients had "markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein unbound by antibodies" in their plasma. Those who remained asymptomatic had no free spike protein in their blood. This would suggest that free-floating spike protein is a profoundly serious problem. As concluded by the authors:

"Immunoprofiling of vaccinated adolescents and young adults revealed that the mRNA vaccine-induced immune responses did not differ between individuals who developed myocarditis and individuals who did not.

However, free spike antigen was detected in the blood of adolescents and young adults who developed post-mRNA vaccine myocarditis, advancing insight into its potential underlying cause."

Autopsy Reports Confirm Jab-Related Myocarditis

mRNA programming the heart cells to produce spike protein is also profoundly bad news. A case report 11 published in September 2022 describes the case of a 55-year-old man who died from acute myocardial infarction and lymphocytic myocarditis four months after a dose of Pfizer. As his first dose, he'd received the AstraZeneca shot. According to the author:

"SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, but not nucleocapsid protein was sporadically detected in vessel walls by immunohistochemical assay … These findings indicate that myocarditis, as well as thrombo-embolic events following injection of spike-inducing gene-based vaccines, are causally associated with a injurious immunological response to the encoded agent.

Because of the fact that the immune response to a first gene-based vaccination is very low in comparison with the immune response to the second vaccination, the found adverse events has rather to be attributed to the mRNA-based second vaccination as to the initial vector-based one." [MORE]