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Illinois Ct Allows Racist Cash Bail System to Remain in Place [there's No Empirical Evidence Pretrial Detention Increases Safety- Only Proof it Keeps Blacks in Greater Confinement, its true purpose]

Profit Over People: Primer on U.S. Cash Bail Systems

WHATS WRONG NHGR? You Don’t Have $10,000 in the bank to post bail? From [HERE] The Supreme Court of Illinois Saturday put a hold on the controversial Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today (SAFE-T) Act, finding that the pretrial release provisions under the act violated the Illinois Constitution.

The SAFE-T Act is a criminal justice reform law impacting many aspects of the criminal justice system such as policing, pretrial, sentencing and correction. Notable provisions include a body camera mandate for police officers and increased transparency in custodial death cases.

More than 60% of defendants are detained before trial because they can’t afford to post bail, according to a study finding that the impact falls most heavily on minorities and low-income people.

Nationally, the average bail amount for felonies is $10,000, according to the report released Thursday by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The report is titled The Civil Rights Implications of Cash Bail.

A total of 631,000 people are held in jails every day, and 74% are awaiting trial, the report said.

Research suggests that people of color may be subjected to higher bail amounts and are more likely to be perceived as dangerous during bail hearings, according to the report.

One study, for example, found that when monetary bail was set for Black defendants, it was in significantly greater amounts than for white defendants.

Research also shows that Black and Hispanic defendants have higher rates of pretrial detention than white defendants and are more likely to have financial conditions imposed.

Pretrial detention has collateral consequences, such as job losses, housing insecurity, family problems and an increased likelihood of engaging in future criminal conduct, the report noted. Those consequences have led to increasing concerns, especially given the lack of empirical research showing that pretrial detention increases public safety. [MORE]

65 counties sued to stop the law from going into effect on January 1. Kankakee County Judge Thomas Cunnington of the 21st Judicial Circuit heard a consolidated lawsuit on the matter. Kankakee County State’s Attorney Jim Rowe argued that the legislation was unconstitutional since it violated the separation of powers clause of the Illinois Constitution and amendments to section 9, Article I of the Constitution were not put to a vote on the ballot. The judge ruled in favor of the argument, which means that bail reform and pre-trial release provisions cannot go into effect. 

Governor of Illinois J.B. Pritzker said that Cunnington’s ruling was a “setback for the principles we fought to protect through the passage of the SAFE-T Act.”

The Supreme Court of Illinois upheld Cunnington’s ruling in an emergency supervisory order, stating:

The administration of the justice system is an inherent power of the courts upon which the legislature may not infringe and the setting of bail falls within that administrative power, the appropriateness of bail rests with the authority of the court and may not be determined by legislative fiat…..the pretrial release provisions do violate this separation of powers principle underlying our system of governance by depriving the courts of their inherent authority to administer and control their courtrooms and to set bail.

Illinois House Leader Jim Durkin called the ruling a “victory for the often neglected victims of crime and the men and women of law enforcement who wear the badge every day.”

The SAFE-T Act is controversial because it abolishes cash bail. Non-violent defendants no longer must post bail before trial. Exceptions to this include defendants deemed a risk to public safety or a risk of escaping. Republican lawmakers and law enforcement stakeholders argued that the law will lead to a rise in crime. Democratic lawmakers and advocates for criminal justice reform argue that abolishing cash bail is necessary to prevent discrimination against the poor.