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David Icke: Perpetual War and the COVID Biocide are Proof the World Suffers from Weiteko Disease; the Neuropean's Fascination with Control and Destruction of Humanity, a Yurugistic Mind Virus

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Weitko Disease - the caucasian’s patapathetic fascination with the exploitation and control of nature and exploitation and genocide of his fellow man.

The Greater System – Doggy. In the Greater System, no one is allowed to live, only to lie. (See: Greater System)

Greater System – accumulated negative energy (thought-forms) responsible for creating self-limiting competitive analytic belief systems (CABS) programmed to keep us out of the reality of the present moment by our illusions from the past. 2) the Syndrome. Being misaligned with affinity in the Present guarantees retention in and detention by your PBS (programmed belief system) channeling your oppression. The Greater System exists but cannot be seen—composed entirely of stratified, mortified, and constricted human energy—the product of life-force that lives from a paradigm of scarcity, focused on survival, security and greed sought by or achieved through constraint, conformity and fear. The Greater System creates sacred cows (casualties of war slaughtered). However, it is Doggy that creates the conditions from which you declared war upon yourself. (See: Doggy, Indoctrination, Conditioning, Placebo Syndrome, Predictive Programming, MOB, Collective Unconsciousness, Scarcity, Fishbowl, Holodeck Court, Law, Humanity, The Truth, Religion, Thought Forms & CABS)

Doggy – Uncle Brother—the condition and conditioning which serves you your problem doubling as your very own ambition. 2) a situation such that the fulfillment of the conditions necessary to achieve a desired result produces its failure. 3) the entity that goes by many names, including bank-monopolized capitalism, the Spectacle, the Hall of Mirrors and the Looking Glass society, the Mega-machine, Statism, Global Imperialism, Scientific Socialism, cooperative federalism, corporate religion, and the phallacy of “progress”—the manifestation and embodiment of the tool of the Wallflower Order. 4) any shrewd trickster. 5) Leviathan’s Big Brother. 6) the creators of the source code for the global dis-information “system.” 7) Dr. Sam and Mr. Brother. 8) the collective name ascribed to inert abstractions that we have given artificial life support to and unwittingly sanctioned or accorded superiority over life. Doggy is the cultural conditioning system that maintains its hold over all things and all people, even our minds and opinions, by getting us to be informers and informants on each other, by getting us to be the trustees in and of their mind prism prison. Doggy is any and all conditioning, often self-imposed and when necessary involuntarily inflicted, that promotes your belief in illusion (both grand and petit) as a way of life. Doggy creates the conditions wherein an undetected and undeclared war is waged on us directly through us. The result of this on-going psychological war is that you, like many others, willingly destroy your freedom without the possibility of recognizing or overcoming the oppressions of control. The belief in illusion is the agreement to oppression. Doggy is the violent programming we have sustained all of our lives. Doggy wants you to just barely survive—but not to be fully alive—wants you to remain barely alive, but not to fully live. Say Uncle! Bad Doggy. (See: “THEY,” Hidalgo, Vampires, Society, Thoughtforms, CrimethInc., Beasthood, Corporate State, Governments, Uncle Sam, Wallflower Order, Cell, The Collective, Fishbowlers, Big Brother & “Greater System”)

fear – an obstacle illusion. 2) amputated processing thinking in the presence of the unknown, the incomprehensible, or the unsolvable; in volitional forms—the attempt to escape a perceived threat to structural integrity; the flight half of flight/fright survival behavior. 3) the recognition and acknowledgment of powers and forces superior to those of your own. 4) a withholding of love from ourselves, and often from another. 5) obsession without embracing. 6) the denial that you are one with each other and with your universe (Interbeing). 7) that which governs (rules) the majority in socialist Corporate State, in the U.S.S.A, and in the former USSR. 8) the memory of pain. 9) a state of disquiet, of powerlessness and apprehension. 10) the tax which conscience pays to guilt. 11) the urge to protect and project. 12) reaction to ignorance. 13) inverted faith. 14) negative future expectations of one’s positive expectation (outcome) going unmet. Fear is the lack of overstanding and desire of control coupled with feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty and ill preparedness. While fear is the mother of hatred, control is the mother of fear. Fear also coalesces in minds as a perpetual cloud of gloom. The only potentially constructive aspect of fear is the fear of fear itself— which can be transformative. It has the potential to force us to abandon all illusions of security and begin revising our truths to renew the fruits of our experience. Nothing beneficial or real can grow out of fear— you have to grow-up and outgrow fear itself. (See: Control, Anxiety, Scarcity, Other, Fright, Responsibility, Processing Thinking, Self-Image, Group Entity, Overstanding, Subconscious, Weiteko Disease, Dreams, Nightmare, Hatred, Fear Clouds, Solar Plexus, Subconscious Mind, Attitude, Unknown, Unknowable, Suicide, Faith, Trust, Existence, Letting Go, Bubble, Substitute Life, One Love & Thought)