Autopsy Report Shows Doctors Found “Abundant Spike Protein” in Man’s Heart and Brain Tissues
From Fig.10. Image from brain tissue. The brown granules are spike or spike subunit
From [HERE] It’s just a single case report, but the implications of a patient whose brain and heart were found to contain COVID spike proteins after receiving three doses of two different COVID shots are many. And the whole scenario opens the door to lots of questions about the safety of the mRNA shots.
The patient had Parkinson’s disease, and his family had “remarkable behavioral and psychological changes and a sudden onset of marked progression of his PD symptoms, which led to severe motor impairment and recurrent need for wheelchair support,” Substack blogger Joomi said.
Even though he never fully recovered from the earlier shots, he was still given a third one, and he subsequently died.
At autopsy, doctors found an “abundant spike protein” in the man’s heart and brain tissues. “Importantly, spike protein could only be demonstrated in the areas with acute inflammatory reactions (brain, heart, and blood vessels) … This is strongly suggestive that the spike protein may have played at least a contributing role to the development of the lesions and the course of the disease in this patient,” doctors wrote. [MORE]