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Democrats are Embracing the Same Police who Surveil and Murder Law Abiding Black People On a Daily Basis – b/c They Know There Will Be No Sanctions from the Emasculated, Powerless Black Votary

BARK AND CLAP NGHR. BLACK POWER(LESS) - THE DECLINE OF BLACK POLITICS IN AMERICA. VOTING AGAINST REPUBLICANS AND FOR NOTHING. NORMAN KELLEY EXPLAINED ‘DEMS HAVE no message or any kind of organizing to deal with the problems faced by black people in America. Nothing beyond "the basic political pabulum that we've been hearing for the last 40 years.

boilerplate liberalism but no legislative initiative. And why would they need one? Democrats know they will suffer no sanctions from disgruntled blacks. This sad state of affairs where black votes are as much as taken for granted by DEMOCRATS is the culmination of 40 years of decline of black politics. In reality, blacks have steadily lost influence and a sense of self-empowerment by ceasing to be organized in any meaningful fashion, having given into pseudo-political mobilization over non-issues such as "atonement" and reparations over the past 20 years. One could even argue that blacks have not been sufficiently organized since the 1960s.’ [MORE]

From [HERE] It’s all over the news, from CNN to Fox News: violent crime, particularly homicides, robberies, and aggravated assaults are continuing to rise after the initial uptick at the start of the global pandemic. From The Seattle Times, to the The New York Times, to the Washington Post, the bourgeois press – aided by right-wing pundits and politicians – is quick to lay blame on the 2020 Justice for George Floyd protests, the largest protest movement in the country, for its role in pressuring Democrats to defund the police.

But this is based on a false assumption that the Democrats have defunded the police. The movement against George Floyd’s police murder and against systemic racism did not achieve the main demands of reappropriating bloated police budgets in favor of community programs and resources, or reforming the police force with greater community oversight. Despite being the largest protests in U.S. history, the movement’s lack of clear structures left it vulnerable to Democratic Party co-optation. [MORE]

k. but lowering police budgets really has nothing to do with a cop’s ability to take your life or interfere with your rights at will. Budgets don’t effect authority. Also there is nothing wrong with armed security and everyone wants to live in safe communities but believing that some persons have the legal and moral right to forcibly control others and that, consequently, citizens have a moral and legal obligation to obey is irrational and the basis of all social evils. [MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

voting – a pacification (sucker) process which allows the votary to make choices provided to her/him, not decisions. 2) a “privilege” of U.S. citizens to do it behind a curtain—as long as they do it alone. 3) political masturbation exercises for those who can’t cop real power. 4) a habitually accepted imposition that gives the votary-vassal-suckers an illusion of inclusion or participation. 5) an act of self-abuse. People mistake their voting for their voice—as the voice of the people is seldom, if ever, their own. [MORE]