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New Complaint Board Will Investigate Racial Profiling Complaints and Make Discipline Recommendations but the Public Has No Control Over NYPD Cops Authorized to Attack and Murder Blacks in Liberal NYC

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From [HERE] The New York City oversight body that examines police misconduct will now have the authority to investigate claims of racial profiling, as well as officers’ misuse of body cameras, and recommend disciplinary measures in those cases, officials said on Monday.

The changes will strengthen the influence of the oversight body, known as the Civilian Complaint Review Board, which receives complaints from residents, determines whether there is evidence to substantiate those claims and then recommends disciplinary measures to the New York City Police Department.

The Police Department previously investigated bias claims itself, but few cases were substantiated. Between 2014 and 2021, the department investigated 3,480 such allegations, including complaints that officers had discriminated against people because of race, gender, sexual orientation or housing status. The department found only four cases that warranted discipline, according to a federal monitor’s report in May.

Last year, the City Council passed a law that revised the city charter to explicitly grant the Civilian Complaint Review Board the authority to investigate such cases. The new rules took effect this weekend after a months long process to adopt them. [MORE]