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Black Man “[make] Believed" his “rights" protected him & that police were his equal: White Cops Smash Car Window & Drag Him Out to En-force Obedience to Stop Sign Law in Joliet

"Only the Blind Must Believe in Sunlight." - FUNKTIONARY

A bystander recorded white Joliet Police officers on video as they confronted a Black driver and smashed out the driver's side window of the man's car, then yanked the young man out of the car. 

Friday night's traffic stop of the 21-year-old Black driver, Milton Travis, and his carload of friends appears questionable. During the video, he is heard complaining that the city's police officers who pulled him over had no legal basis to stop him. [MORE]

In the video he is heard talking to the cops as if he is having an arm's length conversation with his equals. He demands explanations and declines orders from cops - persons he believes are his "public servants." How crazy! White people have been lying to him and his belief in those lies have made him deluded, maybe even crazy [falsified afrikan consciousness]. Dr. Blynd makes it plain;

"The child who is taught to believe the law will be his protection is the child who will become the victim of its own beliefs."     "Unquestioned beliefs own you."

What he believes are his rights are actually master's privileges. Dr. Blynd states, "Constitutional protections are window dressing to make subject-citizens feel like they are being served - instead of screwed... Your constitutional protections are made of ribbed latex - and you're getting screwed royally." What Milton believes are laws are nothing but violence; law is a command backed by the threat of force against those that don't obey. Force lurks behind each & every law, such as the stop sign law in this matter. Laws are words on paper and they protect no one on the street. Consciously or unconsciously statists worship law and believe it is morally wrong to disobey commands from "authorities." In a "De-mockery" obey or get dragged out of your car. Although there is no way through which any group of people can delegate to someone else a right which no one in the group possess and it is clear that one who represents someone else cannot have more rights than the one he represents, nevertheless, persons "with the right to rule" [authority] have granted "police" extra-super powers, such that they are paid & immunized to commit violent acts that would be criminal if they were committed by normal human beings. And public rulers do not serve their subjects. Undeceiver Larken Rose states, 

"It is very telling that many modern “law enforcers” quickly become angry, even violent, when an average citizen simply speaks to the “officer” as an equal, instead of assuming the tone and demeanor of a subjugated underling. Again, this reaction is precisely the same – and has the same cause – as the reaction a slave master would have to an “uppity” slave speaking to him as an equal. There are plenty of examples. depicted in numerous police abuse videos on the internet, of supposed representatives of “authority” going into a rage and resorting to open violence, simply because someone they approached spoke to them as one adult would speak to another instead of speaking as a subject would speak to a master. The state mercenaries refer to this lack of groveling as someone having an “attitude.” In their eyes, someone treating them as mere mortals, as if they are on the same level as everyone else, amounts to showing disrespect for their alleged “authority.” Similarly, anyone who does not consent to be detained, questioned, or searched by “officers of the law” is automatically perceived, by the mercenaries of the state, as some sort of troublemaker who has something to hide. Again, the real reason such lack of “cooperation” annoys authoritarian enforcers is because it amounts to people treating them as mere humans instead of treating them as superior beings, which is what they imagine themselves to be." [MORE]

But other central concerns in this episode are "belief" and "obedience."  FUNKTIONARY lays out the following;

Belief- the psychological calm of imagined certitude safely beyond de-stabilizing doubt and troublesome reality-entanglement. 2) a construction of approximate truths, absolute truths, mass truths and primary myths, based on genetic predisposition, and environmental and socio-psychological conditioning. 3) the institutionalization of the unknowable, i.e., a conviction that is not necessarily based upon any empirical, direct-mind or experiential knowledge. 4) a non-physical surviving thought-form. 5) any conclusion based on a fundamental assumption; the evidence of things not seen, no longer actively sought. 6) an intellectual
rationalization surrounded by (based on) "'proofs," reasons and arguments. 7) that which springs out of cultural ideology. 8) the greatest fiction. 9) a trick of the mind to repress doubt. 10) a mental doubt-suppression tactic. A suppressed doubt is neither faith nor even trust. 11) repressed doubt. 12) an explicit or implicit assent to dogmatic propositions (with or without overgrown religious foliage) on someone else's authority. 13) reverential blindness that thwarts fresh perception and intuitive apperception. 14) a prejudice without any experience to support it. 15) a peculiar blend of fatiloquent assertion on one hand and adamant
denial on the other. 16) a manic flirtation with the terminally unprovable. 17) certainty based in the unknown. 18) having another "see" it for you while seeing him see it (for you)—in effect being for another. 19) a conclusion without the verification of direct experience—make-believe made real. 20) the inability or unwillingness to master the requisite logic or reason to counterbalance (or overcome) the willingness to be misled. 21) the abnegation of internal authenticity for outside authority. 22) ego-consoling faith. 23) acceptance of a statement, tenet or creed with available verification and substantive evidence to its contrary. The word belief in English comes from the Anglo-Saxon root 'leif, which means, "to wish." Belief is the inability to formulate the necessary suspicion that there is something seriously missing. Sin means missing the mark—and belief is the mark that's missed in the very act of merely believing. Belief is the blind spot of what's not. It's beautiful—you can't see what's not really there. When people believe something, their beliefs take form and appear real to them. Belief, even in the most arrant nonsense, often finds the greatest audience with the highest credulity. When you utter the creed, "I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth..." you are really saying, "I fervently wish that there exists God the Father Almighty." With belief, you have to believe only in lies; you don't have to believe in truth. Remember, you cover a lie; you discover truth. A belief is an unwarranted, unchallenged or cherished assumption that is elevated to the status of a conclusion or absolute truth without examination and verification through observation, direct or authentic experience, critical thought and contemplation. A belief is a stub (proxy-rung) in one's personal ladder of truth. Each belief carries the embedded doubt in itself. A belief is the violation of epistemological integrity in which something one doesn't really or truly know is feigned as something one knows. Most belief is founded on the form—not the content—of the words believed in. Once a belief is rigidified or solidified as dogma, individuals (believers) will predictably limit themselves only to the experiences that validate their belief (wishes). Don't believe or disbelieve, because in either case, '"you" will never undertake the effort of direct experience to really know. Belief is external absolute-truth-based blindness. Belief is something fixed, static, stagnant, frozen— a conclusion we have reached (albeit not on our own and based on the unknown). Once we believe something, we shut the door to everything outside of, or opposed to, that belief and stop inquiring or questioning. Belief is a cultural conditioning imposed on you by others; it is a slavery. Belief is our substitute for truth: truth our substitute for reality—thereby stultifying our opportunity for awareness. Belief is what we cling to when we have no true overstanding or comprehension (knowingness) of the nature of reality, existence, or the Totality. Only the blind must believe in sunlight. For those who can see with a single eye, belief plays no part in the experience of seeing. A belief is a question we have put aside so that we don't have to seek an answer from reality. Belief is present when you don't know, yet believe anyway. A belief cannot be questioned—its very nature is to end the quest in the very believing. To believe a statement or proposition "P' is to act as if 'P' is held to be true; and if so, it too holds true for others.   It is not necessary that the belief be neither conscious nor certain.   Confusion arises from failure to overstand the essential difference between theoretical (i.e., intellectual) belief, and vital (i.e., unconscious) belief. Most beliefs are merely the result of indoctrination, acculturation, programming and conditioning.   Only vital beliefs have the power to transcend the exigencies of life, and of death. The highest belief is the belief in reality, and even that position is an unenviable one.  When you are free of belief you are ready for truth; when you're free of truth, you're ready for reality, and when you're ready for reality, you're ready for Phfreedom (not having freedom but being freedom itself). With belief, you can only see your way out of it; you cannot see through it or into it. Seeing your way out provides the false impression that you can make your way out (of it). A belief may be comforting, but only through experimental transformation into knowingness, by way of revising one's truth, does it become liberating.   Shed your belief for existential relief.   Belief is always unnecessary (and a hindrance) to action but a salve to the ego. "There is no idea so stupid you can't find people to believe in it."~H.L. Mencken. Belief may console the ego-personality, but it simultaneously deludes, confines and supports it. "Belief is only as good as the ability and willingness to give it up.   Beliefs only betoken intention and doubt and that when doubt is laid to rest through experience, belief dissolves as naturally as stitches after an operation.   When you really know something, if you have the experience to back it up, belief becomes more of a hindrance than help. But its most useful function—and its most profound accomplishment—lies in its ability to disappear." -Adam G. Fisher.  The very idea of belief implies a residue of doubt, but knowing leaves no trace of skepticism. Don't believe a word of what you read here in the Funktionary. Belief is being locked into an idea; an unalterable understanding. We fail to realize how dangerous (and limiting) blocking out new information can be simply because it is new, foreign or inconsistent with our tradition or religious conditioning.   If knowledge is not constantly changing you—then you're full of shit.   How much?   It all depends.   When we're "smellin' ourselves" in our beliefs, rest assured, others are smelling us too—because it reeks from a distance. All the dangers of belief lay close to the shore of dogma. Once one has broken through the spiritual shoals and religious reefs, the expanse of the ocean of Being brings great relief. Why should many consider it a virtue to believe something or "believe in" something without any supporting evidence, or in spite of contravening evidence?   Whatever you now believe, you believe only because you were willing to release a prior belief. Knowledge comes into existence by shedding belief—it is but a natural progession from superstition to reality-based living and quantum physics experienced as a quantum leap forward into and through consciousness.   You don't have to take any responsibility for belief—that shifts responsibility or romoves it altogether from the believer, as contrasted to knowledge, wherein once you know, once you are aware, you have to take responsibility for an action based on that knowledge. With belief, you can willfully ignore knowledge and facts and remain in ignorant bliss. Challenging and questioning the void, blind spot, or fear supporting the need to defer experience and knowledge for belief presents us with the prospect of reinventing our lives anew from scratch—not the outer life, but our inner lives, our essence.  A reorientation from belief to knowledge takes tremendous courage.   Belief blocks us, i.e., stands between us and the reality-based truth we so eagerly dodge, avert or fail to even acknowledge or recognize its presence always there just beyond our fears to engage or entertain. Belief is a personal claim that doesn't matter because it has no impact on the outcome of the encounter or exchange between two people or events. Sure, you can exercise a modicum of faith to practical things in the world but that doesn't denote belief. Faith is belief sustained by some reasonable test of its validity. If a belief cannot be tested, it moves into superstition or faith. Faith (like truth) can be tested against reality and will yield either temporary knowledge or conclusive disrepute.   However, once a claim "matters," even though the question or answer may not change (what's your name and the factual response), the stakes are raised. A formula can be generated that depicts belief. Belief equals the claims divided by reason, times the evidence minus an uncertainty factor to the power of change driven by infinity.   [B = (C/R)E - Un].  We should approach a claim with some reasonable expectations (because we understand and have experienced the world and events to follow a certain pattern or be a certain way).  It is most prudent to dissect a claim from our reasonable expectations of our understanding of the world especially its uncertainty factor amidst ceaseless change. This is the safest and most sane manner or method to determine if the claim comports with the nature (attributes) of reality. Once you substitute knowledge and reality for belief and truth, your life (the substitute life you're leading will never be the same.   The end of belief is a challenging moment.   Don't be afraid to live your life without the binky of belief—it will come to you as a life-changing and most joyous relief.  Once you know—back to belief you cannot go. Not in belief, but rather in knowingness and openness to change we grow. In belief we're off to the religious races, but we never go far. Flow it down for a change and be where we really are; be who we truly are!   (See: Faith, Vital Belief, Sin, Belief System. Certainty, Phfreedom, Dogma, Knowingness, Liberation, Ego-Personality, Epistemology, Space, Seeing, True Believers. Essence, Human Beams, Overstanding, Atheism, "God," Absolute Truth, Proof, Mythology, Undoism, Subconscious, Self- Identity, Religion, Ideology, SLIP, Evil, Good, The Unknown, Guilt, Understanding, Religion, PC & Trust)

obedience - a Self-Other irreversible relationship in which there is only communication (mind-to-mind), i.e. no contact, and an imbalance of power. 2) the highest form of the power-fear systemic. 3) slavery sold to both children and adults alike deceptively packaged in a respectfully sounding label. 4) reverse terrorism. You can compel obedience but you cannot compel responsibility or respect. Everyone should have a say in waking-up to (or waking up from) whatever they have been programmed to obey. It is difficult to reduce to obedience anyone who has no wish to command. If you can't read very well and follow it up with the absence of critical thinking skills, then obey your masters and oppressors until you can—for your own survival. Life is more trouble-free when you obey. If you speak TV-English, by all means obey the beast, if you like freedom of movement with your slavery. TV's ought to have warning labels: "Use of this device can be hazardous to your freedom.'" How can you take a man seriously who watches T.V. obediently, drinks habitually and desires freedom too?

The historian Howard Zinn is clear on the role obedience has played on our conditions throughout the centuries. "[Civil disobedience] is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions of people have been killed because of this obedience. ...Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war and cruelty. Our problem is people are obedient while the jails are full with petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem." More atrocities are commited in the name of economics than in the name of hate, ideological or religious intolerance. (See: Authority, God, Atrocities, Conditioning. TV, War, The COMB, Control, Power, Violence. Religion, Should. Duty, Hatred, Other, Inhumanity, Communication, Programming, Indoctrination, Poverty, Gangbanking, Education, Unlearning. Force. Orderlies, Police, Force Continuum. Judicial Tyranny, Residency, Labor, Property, Servitude, Critical Thinking, Holodeck Court, Questioning, Pulpit. TUFF. Authenticity. Fear & Authoritarians).