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Study says Racism & Over-incarceration Pervade Juvenile Detention: Non-white youths are 2.7x More Likely Than White Youths to be Placed Into Greater Confinement

Racist suspects working within the Juvenile courts across the nation make the distinction that unlike adult criminal courts, most juvenile courts have the purpose of rehabilitation not punishment. This is pure bullshit and parcel to the larger goal of the appearance of justice, the only thing produced by US criminal courts. FUNKTIONARY explains:

Lex-icon - law as image- the appearance of justice (the form) over the substance of justice via truth and law over humanity.  

Juvenile courts exist to to teach Black youth obedience to authority and to place a substantial number of Black and Latino youth into greater confinement. According to Neely Fuller, white supremacists/racists make certain that large numbers of non-white people exist under conditions that will most likely cause them to do things that give racists an excuse to put them in Greater Confinement. White prosecutors, judges, police, probation officers, community service workers and their black clone counterparts are filling the youth jails with non-whites.

From [HERE] A 2018 study has uncovered a troubling racial-disparity gap in youth confinement.

Youth Confinement: The Whole Pie” was published Feb. 27, 2018, by the Prison Policy Initiative, a Massachusetts-based nonpartisan nonprofit.

The study analyzed data gathered in the 2015 Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement to provide what Wendy Sawyer, a senior policy analyst at PPI, described to the media as a “starting point” to consider “how the problems of the criminal justice system are mirrored in the juvenile justice system.”

One of these problems, the study noted, was a racial disparity gap -- non-white youths are 2.7 times more likely than white youths to be imprisoned. This disparity was most profound among blacks and Native Americans.

Forty-two percent of all juvenile offenders are black, although they make up just less than 14% of the overall youth population.

Native-American youth, despite representing less than 1% of the overall population, comprise 1.7% of all juvenile offenders.

While the overall juvenile detention population declined significantly between 1997 and 2015, the racial-disparity gap only decreased by 0.6%. This miniscule decline was driven largely by lower incarceration rates for Hispanic and Asian-American youth.

The study also noted that a significant number of juveniles were incarcerated for relatively minor offenses. Almost 20% had convictions for technical violations, such as a failure to report for community service, while an additional 5% had status offenses, such as underage drinking or truancy.

Nearly 25% of the status offenders were held in “restrictive correctional style types of juvenile facilities,” which often house “hundreds of youths behind razor wire fences where they will be subject to solitary confinement.”

As many as 2,000 juvenile offenders are held for non-trafficking drug offenses.

The report noted that the practice of incarcerating so many youths for non-violent offenses was in sharp conflict with National Institute of Corrections guidance, which states that “only those youth who are serious, violent, or chronic offenders” should be subject to detention.

Based on that criteria, PPI researchers concluded that “by our most conservative estimation, almost 17,000 youths (1 in 3) charged with low-level offenses could be released today without great risk to public safety.”

 Sources: Prison Policy Initiative, W. Haywood Burns InstituteNational Institute of Corrections