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When Crime is Low, DC Police Create Crime to Pass the Time: Cops Staged an Arrest of an Actor/Snitch to Fabricate a Legal Basis to Stop & Frisk a Group of Black Men Present as He Walked By

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A Trap To Place You in "Greater Confinement." The system of white supremacy/racism is predicated upon black people's belief in many, many lies. The 4th Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizures and searches and right “to be secure" or to move freely without apprehension of oppression as you come and go is one of those lies. Here some blah blah for your mind:

  • The Supreme Court has said "an individual's decision to remain in a public place of his choice is as much a part of his liberty as the freedom of movement inside frontiers that is a part of our heritage, or the right to move to whatsoever place one's own inclination may direct." 
  • In order for the police to stop you the Supreme Court has ruled that police must have reasonable articulable suspicion that there is criminal activity afoot and that you are involved in the activity. Police may not act on on the basis of an inchoate or unclear and unparticularized suspicion or a hunch - there must be some specific articulable facts along with reasonable inferences from those facts to justify the intrusion. 
  • In order to frisk you the Supreme Court has ruled that the police must have independent reasonable articulable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous before they may touch you or put their hands on you (a cursory patdown for weapons). Police may not act on on the basis of an inchoate or unclear and unparticularized suspicion or a hunch - there must be some specific, actual & articulable facts along with reasonable inferences from those facts to justify the intrusion.

Race Soldiers so frequently abuse their power that no one can make a compelling argument that constitutional rights afford Black & Latino people any real protection from the Government on the street. Black & Latino men especially face an omnipresent threat of being stopped and searched by cops without legal cause anytime, anyplace.

As explained by undeceiver Dr. Amos Wilson: "Laws in and of themselves will not protect us; laws are words written on paper; laws protect no one. Laws are no stronger than those who enforce them."

The only thing upholding the 4th Amendment is your belief in it. It is an illusion, a strategy and nothing more. 

Graphs below from the Brennan Center's Report, Crime in 2017: A Preliminary Analysis [MORE]