US Govt Encouraging Businesses to Use Facial Biometrics to Create their Own Watch Lists of Suspicious, "Bad Actors"
Tron Nick
From [HERE] All across the country businesses are being encouraged to use facial recognition to identify everyone.
Companies like DeepCam, have been been secretly working for three years, to create a facial recognition customer watch list system.
"After three years in stealth mode, DeepCam has released Retail by DeepCam,a system that will transform retail loss prevention. Retail byDeepCam is a plug-and-play system that drastically reduces retail shrink and slashes operational costs through a proprietary biometric-enhanced recommendation engine. "
How will DeepCam transform retail loss prevention?
DeepCam's selling points are instant recognition of bad actors and much more.
"DeepCam recognizes biometric signatures and suspicious behaviors so you can respond the moment bad actors walk through the door."
Soon businesses will use DeepCam's 'recommendation engine' to identify customers before they have stepped inside their store.
But DeepCam does much more than just identify customers.
Ticketmaster to use facial recognition to spy on on concertgoers
"Ticketmaster has quietly revealed plans to use facial recognition technology in venues to facilitate admission to live shows and more."
"Blink Identity’s platform basically allows a venue to identify people using their facial biometrics without requiring them to stop and stand in front of a lens. This is a potential game-changer that elevates it above many of the consumer-focused facial recognition technology that exists today. Blink Identity claims it can capture people walking past at full speed and can handle more than 60 people each minute. For a venue that may hold tens of thousands of people, such efficiency is key."
Stores encouraged to create their own watch lists
DeepCam's facial recognition cameras can identify which store customers went to previously and when. They can also notify businesses when bad actors enter their store.
In other words, DeepCam will allow businesses to create their own watch lists.
"DeepCam’s AI technology looks for shoplifting and other suspicious behaviors that indicate further attention is needed. This results in a list of events for Loss Prevention to review, tagging those individuals who should not be allowed back. Then, the next time that individual returns, the system notifies store employees, allowing managers to intervene and ban them from entering again."
DeepCam boasts that businesses can use their cameras to take 'time-stamped entry and exit images of visitor histories like their age, gender and much more'.