Virginia Bill bars Immigrants from colleges

The House yesterday passed a bill that would forbid illegal aliens from attending Virginia colleges, a measure that would put the state at the forefront of immigration reform. The bill, which passed without debate 67-28, is likely to be rejected by the Senate, which will consider it in the next few weeks. No other states ban illegal aliens from their colleges.  Earlier this week, delegates debated the bill, authored by Delegate Thomas D. Gear, Hampton Republican. Those in favor of it said the bill is necessary to keep illegals from taking coveted spots at the state's top schools from those who are here legally. Opponents said the measure unfairly punishes children for their parents' mistakes and limits their future opportunities. Andres Tobar, executive director of the Shirlington Employment and Education Center, which works with Hispanic and black day laborers, said the bill sets a bad precedent. "It would be a major mistake to approve any legislation that would deny access to kids that have been successful in our public schools and who are tomorrow's leaders," he said. Last year, the House passed a similar bill on a 73-23 vote, but the Senate Education and Health Committee rejected it. [more] and more